
Showing posts from March, 2016

to: 26

Dear 26 myself, I just want to hug and thank you for giving your best throughout this uneasy year. You deserve all the good things in the world. You always ensure that you grow day by day into a better person, better woman, better daughter, better sister, and better friend. Thank you for keeping your ego and emotions calm when things didn't work out. At least you tried. I hope you can achieve your dreams this year, recognize yourself better, and find a lover to accompany you. It's normal to need someone. Life is hard; sometimes you need someone who understands you to lean on. But if you haven't found him yet, that's fine. He's still preparing to meet you. And you have plenty of time to grow and become the best version of yourself. Once again, thanks. You did well. Cheers to the next chapter and another journey. Xoxo


Assalamualaikum!!!! Dikit lagi un..... AaaaaAaaaaaaAaaaa ga kerasa sama sekali gue udah 3 tahun SMA. Doakan semoga pas UN dilancarkan pas ngerjainnya. Aamiin. Mau ngomongin cita-cita deh. Iya. Cita-cita. Kenapasih pas kita kecil kalo ditanyain 'mau jadi apa?' Jawabannya pasti dokter atau ga astronot atau pesepak bola atau tentara atau polisi atau gaa pilot. Tapi pas udah SMA dimana lo udah engeh sama jurusan2 yang menjamin 'materi' pas dewasa nanti atau lo udah enek sama pelajaran yg disuguhkan pas SMA, cita-cita kecil itupun udah jarang kedengeran terutama astronot ya. Kalo dokter pilot sama yang lain masih lumayan banyak. Cita-cita lo apa fla? Tetep. Dari dulu sampe sekarang gua bercita-cita jadi dokter. Bedanya dulu mau jadi dokter gigi sih. Sekarang mau jadi dokter anak. Ya namanya juga cita-cita. Gua juga terkadang suka ga pede kalo ditanyain ini. Kemampuan gue masih dibawah rata-rata. Bahkan nilai to gue di bimbel belum nyentuh kepala 3. Mungkin walas bimbel...